The Journey Project Team offers training on topics related to sexual violence, intimate partner violence, sexual harassment in the workplace, and trauma-informed practice for justice system stakeholders, as well as community-based, government, and private organizations.
Our training offerings can be tailored to individuals both within legal systems, and for service providers outside of the legal system who provide support to people who have experienced, or are at risk of experiencing, sexual violence and/or intimate partner violence.
The Journey Project tailors training sessions to the unique needs of those seeking information – this can range from information sessions on the service we provide, to training on the principles of trauma-informed practice in a variety of real-world and legal contexts.
Depending on resources and capacity, training sessions can be offered in-person or virtually, however where possible, in-person sessions are preferred.
To help guide your inquiry to our team, some topics for your session could include:
- What is The Journey Project (Information on Services)
- Sexual Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, and Trauma
- Sexual Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, and Trauma-Informed Principles and Practice
- Sexual Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, and the Legal System
- Empathic Strain, Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma, and Burnout*
- Self and Community Care
- Sexual Harassment in the Workplace**
- Supportive Responding to Disclosures of Violence
- Working with Survivors of SV and IPV – Practical Strategies for Stakeholders in the Legal System
- Project Soundcheck: Preventing Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment at Events and Festivals (
*As of 2023, two of our current staff members are certified trainers from Tend Academy, an organization that specializes in employee mental health and organizational wellness.
**We have training specific to sexual harassment in the workplace for both employees and employers which can be completed in-person, virtually, or through our online portals.
- Sexual Harassment in the Workplace – Employee Training
- Sexual Harassment in the Workplace – Employer Training
To learn more or request a session, reach out to or call (709) 722 2805